eLTER logomark

The European eLTER network will hold its first scientific conference from 23 - 27 June 2025 in Tampere, Finland. The conference, 'Towards a whole-system approach for ecosystem science', will aim to 'advance our understanding of ecosystems within a pan-European network of sites, platforms, researchers, and stakeholders to facilitate collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary science including biogeoscience, biodiversity research, and social ecology'. If you are interested then for now, just save the date; eLTER will provide more details in due course. You might consider subscribing to the eLTER mailing list so that you can be kept informed.

eLTER is a network of mainly national-level long-term ecosystem research networks.It is working to establish the eLTER Research Infrastructure, eLTER RI. For more information about elter visit the eLTER website.