Ian talking to the group

Our Cairngorms ECN site staff recently joined forces with the site's landowner, NatureScot, to hold an open day at the site. Chris Andrews (UKCEH) and Ian Sargent (NatureScot; pictured above) led a 5 km walking tour from the stream monitoring station to the hilltop where the weather station and other abiotic measurements are collected.  About twenty people braved the windy conditions to learn about the management of the Invereshie and Inshriach National Nature Reserve from reserve manager, Ian. They also heard from Chris about the various abiotic and biotic monitoring conducted at the site as part of ECN and related programmes.

The open day was planned in collaboration with a conference run by Cairngorms Connect that kicked off on Monday 18 September with a series of talks about the science conducted within the Cairngorms National Park. Speakers included Chris, who presented the long-term monitoring at the site.

We have been carrying out long-term monitoring in the Cairngorms since 1999, including monitoring the co-located Allt a'Mharcaidh stream. The Cairngorms National Park is the UK's only Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) platform, one of several such platforms across Europe.

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